My Speaking Topics

Invite Barb Roose Speak Women's Conference Leadership Training Retreat



Barb has been speaking at conferences, churches and women’s ministry events since 2005.  She inspires women through challenging Biblical teaching, personal stories and a deep love for each audience that clearly communicates how much they matter to God and to Barb. As a former large conference leader, Barb understands the pressures and priorities of planning an event. On this page, you’ll be able to check out her speaking topics, video clips. Looking for Barb’s booking information and speaking fees? Fill out the brief form below and booking information will auto-deliver to you.


Hungry No More: Surrendering ourselves to the only ONE that satisfies! 
Our culture over-consumes everything but God! We over-eat, over-spend, over-worry and most of us probably over-do social media. Yet, we’re starved for peace, hope and joy. What could happen if God’s daughters truly hungered for the gifts only God can provide? We’ll talk about how surrender weans us of the things that junk up our hearts, minds, bodies, and souls. Barb will fill your spiritual plate with three daily opportunities to satisfy your soul in Christ! (Theme: Spiritual Discipline/Discipleship) 

Becoming a Woman that C.A.R.E.S.
Are you the kind of woman who puts everyone else first? If so, you’re not alone! Are you tired of carrying around all of the guilt that comes with being a woman? In this talk, we’ll look at the five areas of caring for ourselves in a way that glorifies God, honors us and blesses our lives.  (Theme: Spiritual Growth & Personal Development)

Overcoming Labels to Live Our Legacy
How many of us carry baggage from the past that keeps us from having hope for the future? We’ll look at the story of Rahab and discover how God transformed her destiny. There are three keys from her story that will help us escape the labels that lie to us and unlock God’s legacy for our lives. (Theme: Identity in Christ & Forgiveness)

Mirror, Mirror: Seeing Yourself as God Sees You 
Does God care if you look in the mirror and hate what you see? Yes!  Poor body image is the #1 driver of shame in women, including Christian women. We’ll use God’s Word to discover God’s beautiful truth about us – both inside and out! There are three biblical keys to help us win our ugly struggle with beauty once and for all! (Theme: Identity in Christ)


Barb was a big hit at our women’s retreat! Her tender heart and passion for Christ was evident throughout the weekend. She is a gifted speaker – she brought us to tears one minute and had us laughing the next! Everyone loved her!
-Wendy, Women’s Ministry Director/H2O Church

Barb spoke at our women’ s retreat and was fabulous! She was captivating, inspirational, humorous, and real. She has a heart for God and wants women to really encounter God.
-Deb, Women’s Ministry Director/Bowling Green Covenant Church

Barb’s message about God’s view of His children’s beauty deeply touched all who attended our women’s conference by revealing another level of God’s love. The level I’m speaking of is the intense level which enables all who listen to think differently about old habits, negative narratives and unwelcome comments from people… She’s the real deal!
-Paula, Women’s Ministry Promotion Coordinator/Sidney First UMC

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