Speaking Info

Invite Barb to your next event!

Everything you need to know right here!

Thank you for visiting my speaker page! Whether you’re thinking about planning an event or are actively looking for a speaker, I’ve included everything that you need to know about me right here. Putting together an event is hard work! So, I want to bless you by giving you everything you need to know.

Since 2005, I’ve been speaking at churches, women’s conferences and leadership events to audiences from 20 to over 8,000. Since entering full-time women’s ministry as a speaker in 2016,  I speak to audiences between 20-30 times a year in the US and abroad. I spent 14 years on staff at my local church as a Bible teacher as well a Executive Director of Ministry for our five campuses and 10,000 attendees. I still attend that church and serve on the teaching team as a guest speaker a few times a year.

Teaching God’s Word is my passion and heartbeat! If you want a powerful Bible teacher, who tells great stories and provides practical application, then check out my speaker information below.

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What Others Are Saying About Barb…

Barb led our “Courageous Women” conference and was an absolute delight. She has the power to connect with all women and energize them. She told engaging stories that helped us all see how God works and is present in our every day lives. We learned how to stop worry, overcome our fears and lead our best lives!

Tricia Fox

Women's Ministry , Marietta First UMC

Barb Roose was fantastic! Her passion for God, and her obedience to speaking His truth was powerful. She was great to work with before and after the event. She was confident in how she carries herself, but humble and personal in dealing with the lives of those she served. A servant of God, full of hope and truth.

Rex Stump

Area Director, Fellowship of Christian Athletes

She was engaging, humorous, and so authentic in her presence and message.

God’s Word was her central focus, and she was not afraid to challenge us and bring us out of our comfort zone. As a result, we have a lot of women involved in our small groups, doing the Joshua study written by Barb.

Rebecca Perkins

Women's Ministry Leader, St. John's Mennonite Church

Speaking Topics

Here are my a few of my speaking topics. These messages are 45-60 minutes long. As you plan your event, let me know if you’d like discussion questions to accompany these messages to create a customized experience for your audience. 

Winning Your Worry Battle

Do you or someone you know struggle with worry and anxiety? You aren’t alone! In this presentation, we’ll explore God’s principles for turning fear into faith and I’ll teach on practical techinque to help you calm down when life gets chaotic.

Taking Care of You

Are you the kind of woman who puts everyone else first and yourself last? In this talk, we’ll discover eye-opening and heart-changing wisdom from scripture. Then, we’ll address five areas of taking care of ourselves in a way that glorifies God, honors others and blesses our lives.

Hungry No More: The Power of Surrender

Our culture over-consumes everything but God! Yet, we’re starved for peace, hope and purpose. I’ll teach from Jesus’ testing in the desert on how to surrender and find freedom from out-of-control habits and behaviors..

God, Give Me Patience…NOW!

Waiting is hard! It’s easy to get discouraged, but how do we position our heart to worship while we wait? In this message, Barb teaches the Patience Path to equip you to experience God’s abundant blessings while you’re faithful awaiting the answer to your prayer.

Coming Together in Tough Times

Christians are more divided than ever. But, it doesn’t have to be that way!

In this powerful talk, Barb teaches about Nehemiah’s quest to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem. In the midst of powerful opposition, Nehemiah teaches us ten principles of unity that can equip you to experience Jesus’ dream of unity for the church today. If you want to create conversation about unity and the gospel, this message is for you!

Access Barb's 2024 Speaker Packet Here

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