Women’s Ministry Leaders Training

Do you want more women to experience your Bible studies? Are you looking to attract new volunteers? Do you want expert advice on event planning and promotion?


Too often, women’s ministry leaders feel overwhelmed and underequipped to reach the women in their church or community. If you need fresh ideas and solutions, I’d love to share one or more of the following workshops with your women’s ministry team. All women’s ministry leaders and small group staff face frustration and discouragement from time to time, but it there’s hope!  

Take a quick moment to watch this:  


Workshop#1: Creating Connection for Women at Every Age and Stage.
Workshop #2: Beautiful Bible Studies: How to Draw Women In & Keep Them Coming Back
Workshop #3: Show Me the Message: How to Successfully Promote Your Next Women’s Event


“The presentation left me wanting more — more info, more training, more insights into reaching women for Jesus. Thanks for having a well-organized, informative, and inspiring workshop.”  -Amy E.

To register or request more information, just fill out the form below. (If multiple women will be attending, please note the number of women attending in the “Do you have any questions?” section.)










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