Inside Scoop on Barb’s Pilot Groups
Welcome to the Pilot Study demo page. As I mentioned in the workshop, pilot (or test) groups are a good idea if you are writing a Bible study to be used for your women’s group, if you’re planning to self-publish or traditionally publish and to give you invite other women to offer their insights and experiences as you write.
The video explains that pilot group process.
1. If you’d like to see the follow-up information that the women receive when they complete the form, click here.
2. If you’d like to see a sample page of how I invite the pilot group to give feedback during the process, click here.
If you have a questions about the pilot group process, email me at
Thank you for clicking the link!
Watch this video for more information about this special invitation.
If you’d like to take the next step, the instructions are below.
If this sounds great, but not a good fit for your life right now, now worries! You don’t have to let me know. Just enjoy your summer 🙂
Ready to take the next step?
Fill out the form below. After you hit submit, you’ll be re-directed to a page with a more information about what you’ll contribute as part of the pilot group.
Next Steps:
1. Fill out the form.
2. Any questions? Email
3. I’ll notify all everyone by Saturday, June 27.