event calendar

When I receive an invitation to speak at a women’s conference, retreat or leadership event, I get excited!

It’s a privilege for me to partner with churches all across the country and abroad. I’ve been speaking to audiences in the US and abroad since 2005. Since becoming a full-time speaker in 2016, I’m booked to speak over 20-30 times per year.

Everything that you need to know about my booking information is on this page. Note: Spring and fall dates generally fill up first over summer or winter invitations. You can ask about a specific date by completing the contact form below or email me at barb@barbroose.com. You can check out my speaking topics and watch video clips by clicking here.

By the way, if you are just checking out my speaking calendar,  check to see if I’m coming to your area. If I am, make sure to invite me over for dinner. Just kidding! But, if I’m speaking at an event in your area, I’d love for you to attend!

Barb’s Upcoming Speaking Events…

Event Information:

  • Mon

    Five Tools that Amazing People Know - hosted by Code City

    6pm-9pmRustbelt Coffee, downtown Toledo

    What are the five tools that amazing people who kick butt and get things done know how to use? I'm sharing an encore of this presentation since we weren't able to capture if on video. Come out and hear about what we can learn from some of our favorite superheroes as well as the superpowers that you and I have that can change the world around us.

Access Barb's 2025 Speaker Packet - Fill Out Form Below

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