Last week was Labor Day in the US, and with thoughts shifting to fall, the raging debate between pumpkin spice and caramel apple has taken center stage. What’s your vote? I’m a caramel apple girl!

However, speaking of labor, can we talk about something that sometimes feels like hard labor…Reading our Bibles.

Can I say something that many of you rather not say aloud? Here it is: You wished that you enjoyed reading your Bible more. But finding time to sit down with your Bible feels like another task to cram into your jam-packed life. Then, Guilt shows up with a big smile to shame you on two fronts: You feel guilty because you don’t enjoy reading your Bible, AND you suffer terrible guilt when you miss reading your Bible.

I pray that God uses post to help you experience an a-ha moment that enables you to delight in God’s Word instead of dreading Bible study.

For years, I believed my Bible study only counted if I sat down with my Bible, pen, and highlighters for at least 20-30 minutes each day. This was the only scenario that I believed God approved. So, when I was raising kids and barely making it through the day or seasons when I was grieving, crushing guilt piled on top of my exhaustion and sadness because I was positive that God was disappointed with me.  

Before you hit reply and blast me with, “Barb, are you saying that we don’t need to have sit-down quiet times?” Yes, those sit-down study times are important, but here is where I’m going to add a BIG BUT ——> But, God wants MORE for you than to limit your time with the Bible to a structure of sitting in a chair for 30 minutes with your Bible, pens, and highlighters.

Here are four principles of scripture engagement that I believe can liberate and delight you as you grow in understanding and incorporate God’s Word into your life.

First, Don’t Give Up! If you’re discouraged by Bible study because you can’t do it for 30 minutes daily, please keep reading today’s devotional. You need God’s Word to show you the truth, teach you what is wrong, and correct you (2 Timothy 3:16).

These days, there are so many false teachers telling everyone to do whatever feels right, and I don’t want you to be confused by their lies, which are fooling Christians everywhere. Don’t set yourself up to be fooled (2 Timothy 4:3). If you miss a day, don’t beat yourself up. Ask God for help and try again the next day.

THIS ONE IS BIG ——-> Second, stop counting daily Bible study minutes and focus on embracing scripture-engagement moments. The great a-ha moment that transformed my relationship with the Bible was to shift from counting quiet times to this question: “How often can I bring God’s Word into my thoughts, activities, and decisions throughout the day?”

Instead of focusing on how many days of the week you sit down with your, shift your effort and energy to how often you can incorporate God’s Word into your day.

Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do. – Joshua 1:8 NLT

Third, each time that you engage with sculpture throughout the day reminds that God loves and cares for you during your day. The Bible contains reminders of God’s love, grace, direction, and help. There, you begin to see the Bible as a dependable source of hope. You’ll start to feel like the psalmist here:

I will study your commandments and reflect on your ways. I will delight in your decrees and not forget your word. -Psalm 119:15-16 NLT

MORE PRACTICAL ADVICE: You will automatically do what delights you. If you want to delight in God’s Word instead of seeing it as a duty, here are six practical tips from my Stronger Than Stress: 10 Spiritual Practices to Win the Battle of Overwhelm book for bringing God’s Word into your daily life.

  1. Each of these ideas is an intentional way for you to bring God’s Word into your life. Try out one or two this week:
  2. Write out Scripture verses on post-its and tape them to your bathroom mirror, car dashboard or other places where you’ll read them.
  3. Listen to an audio Bible in the car, at the gym, or before bed.
  4. Read a favorite Bible verse with family or friends at mealtimes, over coffee, or before bed, and discuss the Scriptures together.
  5. Sing! Lots of classic hymns and modern worship songs incorporate Scripture. Find those songs. As you sing, you’re engaging with God’s Word and worshiping Him, too. Here a playlist!
  6. Pick one Bible verse from your church’s weekly sermon and journal about what the verse taught you about God and how you can apply it to your life.
  7. Choose a Bible study that interests you, and don’t worry about what others think. If you fall behind, don’t stop or beat yourself up. The big picture is that God doesn’t need you to stay up-to-date in the study for Him to work powerfully in your life. He’ll meet you where you’re at.

ACTION PLAN TIME: Here are some prompts for you to incorporate God’s Word into your life TODAY:

  • In the car on the way to school or work, you can _____________.
  • As you’re waiting for an appointment or meeting to begin, you can _________________.
  • As you’re doing the laundry, washing dishes, or doing your hair, you can ______________________.
  • Before a difficult phone call or before responding to a tough text message, you can ________________________.

I’d love to hear from you. Please tell me which Bible engagement tips are most helpful for you. If you struggle with Bible reading, how did this week’s devotional encourage you?

Less Stress. More Peace. Everyday!

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