I saw this meme on Sunday evening that made me laugh – and then, I thought “Ugh. That’s so true.”

As I continued to scroll on social media after seeing that post, I noticed the number of people  posting statements like:

This is too much.

I can’t take any more.

I’m overwhelmed.

My friend, if you’re reading today’s devotional and you resonate with any of the statements above, I believe God has orchestrated for you to be here. I switched out this devotional for another because I felt like God wanted me to address the overwhelm and anxiety that so many are facing right now. As you read, allow God’s Word take your fear and overwhelm captive by choosing to believe this biblical truth for yourself. Here we go:

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline -2 Timothy 1:7 NLT

Let’s discuss this verse in light of everything in your life. First, we must be clear on what God is giving and what He has not given.

God does not give us a spirit of fear. It’s natural to be afraid when someone’s been in an accident, or you have to have surgery. That’s normal. Here’s the problem: Too many of us live with a fear spirit within us. The spirit of fear looks like always waiting for something to go wrong,  looking for the worst to happen, a lack of gratitude, and a persistent negative attitude. Note: Satan is the one handing out the spirit of fear and feeding you lies that God doesn’t care or hear your prayers, so you keep that spirit around.

God gives you power, love, and self-control. Stick with me as we unpack these three incredible gifts from God. These are the gifts that you need to help you face each day!

Power: This isn’t human energy or effort; rather, the Greek word that the writer Paul uses describes a power empowered by Holy Spirit-driven power. Some of us are exhausted because we’re trying to do everything in our strength. Our lives are too much! It’s like trying to stop a train with your bare hands. Get it into your head that you need God’s strength, and stop trying to handle life by yourself! (Okay, that felt stern, but I feel like someone needed me to lay it on the line like that – let me know if it was you. I care about you and want God’s best for you!)

God’s Spirit not only provides everything you need so that you can live for Jesus (2 Peter 1:3), but you also have the confidence that no news report, medical diagnosis, or crisis at home will be too much for you.. The Holy Spirit will provide the strength that you need for all things.

Love: God gives love because He IS love (1 John 4:8). God gives us His love, assuring us that we’re not alone in what we’re facing. You can’t mess up God’s love for you! I don’t know who I’m speaking to today, but if you’ve stayed distanced from God because you’ve been away from church, been too busy to read your Bible, or anything else, God isn’t disappointed in you. Come back to Him so you can fully experience the wonder and grace of His love!

Self-Control:  Depending on your translation, this verse might incorporate other phrases for self-discipline, like sound mind or self-control. When the world is overwhelmed, people try to numb out or find relief through unhealthy, unhelpful, or unholy methods. This could look like various addictions to numb or cope. This could also look like stress-related habits such as emotional eating, extreme shopping, excessive caffeine consumption, or too many hours in front of the television or social media.

A lack of control in those areas may not seem as dramatic as addiction, but does that matter if it’s still not God’s best for you?

God gives us self-control so we don’t self-inflict ourselves with sin or habits that distract or hinder us from hearing God’s leading. Even as God forgives, He also longs to spare us from the pain or consequences we must deal with after behaviors interrupt our fellowship with Him. Self-control equips us to focus on Jesus’s way and experience the blessings of connection with God.

No matter what’s happening in your life today, your great hope is remembering what God gives you: power, love, and self-control. He gives you these gifts from Himself, and that’s precisely what you need to get through what you’re going through.

The question is whether you will choose to continue living in a spirit of fear or open your hands today and pray: God, I want to receive what You have for me. I reject this spirit of fear. You’ve promised to give me power, love, and self-control. I receive those today. Amen.

I’D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU:  As you reflect on today’s verse what resonates with you?

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