Did you know that January 12th is National Quit Day?

Apparently, it only takes 12 days for people to give up on their New Year’s Resolutions. Less than two weeks. Why do we give up on what we really want so quickly?

It’s not because we’re lazy or we don’t really want to lose weight, read our Bibles, or finally pay off our debt.

The suprising news is that even though we have a plan or hire a life coach, we’re still missing the most important ingredient for success: VISION.

Vision is seeing the big picture beyond what you’re trying to achieve.  It’s more than your goal. Vision is seeing your resolution or goal as part of  your purpose.

Here’s ancient wisdom:

“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” -Proverbs 29:18 KJV

Without vision, people waffle and wander. Lacking vision means that you’ll make the same resolutions each year. But if your goals aren’t anchored to something bigger than you, it will be hard to persevere.

Willpower is never enough for our goals, but vision wins over willpower everytime.

When you have vision, you may tire, stumble or even fail, but you’ll keep going. And if you fall off track, having vision motivates you to get back up again!

Are you unclear about your life vision? Here it is:

God’s vision for you is to know Him, and make a lasting, positive, eternal impact in the world. You’ve been created to be a difference maker in the world around you.

This is why Word-of-the-Year is a great first step to living with vision:

Word-of-the-Year is a simple, intentional tool that can remind you to focus on God’s vision for your life.

There’s nothing supernatural or magical about your WOTY, but it can be a positive trigger when you’re feeling lost, confused or help you get back on track. 

Here’s my step-by-step instructions for choosing a WOTY:

1. Check out the potential Word-of-the-Year options. Pick four or five words that resonate with you. Write them down.

Here’s a list of options:

Feeling overwhelmed? DaySpring offers a digital tool to help you choose your WOTY. You can click this link and answer a few questions. You’ll receive a suggestion for your WOTY. You can keep that word or choose a different word. 

2. Look at the possibilities you’ve chose, consider the following questions:

a. Which word(s) inspire or motivate you?

b. Is there a dream, goal, or desire that seems to match on or more of those possibilities?

3. Narrow your list down to one or two. Then, pray over the words or ask a few trusted friends for their input.


Optional bonus! I like to choose a verse that goes with my WOTY.

How to Use Your Word-of-the-Year Effectively

  1. Write your WOTY (and verse) on a postcard and tape it to your bathroom mirror. This is a low-tech, daily way to remind yourself. The more often you remind yourself, the more you’ll prioritize living into this word.
  2. Share your WOTY with friends and tell them why. Trust me, telling others about your word solidifies it in YOUR mind and makes it more likely that it will surface in your mind again.
  3. Set up a monthly reminder in your phone for the first day of the month with your WOTY and your verse of the year.
  4. Use Canva to create a beautiful cellphone screensaver. I’ve made up some templates that you can customize with your word. Just click here.

DO YOU HAVE A WORD-OF-THE-YEAR? If so, hit “reply” and tell me. Also, if you’ve chosen a verse of the year, I’d love to hear that, too.


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