Did you know that January 12th is National Quit Day?

Word-of-the-Year is a simple, intentional tool that can remind you to focus on God’s purpose or hold onto God’s purpose in one area of your life. There’s nothing supernatural or magical about your WOTY, but it can be a positive trigger when you’re feeling lost, confused or you find yourself off track. 

In Proverbs 29:18, there’s an observation that still rings true today:

“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” -Proverbs 29:18 KJV

Vision is knowing where you want to end up in the future. Someone with vision sees an empty wall and mentally knows how to arrange the art and photographs. My sister is a talented cake decorator and she can see the design of the cake before she starts. 

Without vision, people wander. When you don’t have vision, you waffle without knowing what you’re doing. 

Can people die without vision? Sadly, the answer is yes.

We watch the news and see the tragic evidence of this. Even if someone doesn’t physically die, when one lives without vision, people lack priorities. Without spiritual vision, people don’t understanding God’s eternal perspective or eternal plan.

This means that everything precious is at risk of destruction. 

Without understanding God’s purpose for marriage, a marriage can die.

Without living according to God’s purpose for parenting, parents can unintentionally wound or traumatize their children.

Without embracing God’s purpose for our bodies, we can misuse this sn that we’re in and hurt ourselves with addiction or other issues.

Without learning God’s purpose for life, tragedy or heartache can result in life-threatening despair and hopelessness.

Word-of-the-Year Can Help You Remember God’s Vision for You

I like to choose a verse first and often, God seems to place a specific word arising from that verse.

Here’s my 2024 verse: 

 Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. -Ephesians 3:20 NLT

In 2024, I am resetting the pace of my life. Last year, God opened some extraordinary doors. I was able to write three books, which was amazing but required a lot of self-sacrifice. It’s time for me to step back and focus more on being a human BE-ing versus a human DO-ing. Now my act of faith is letting go and trusting God with these projects.

This brings me to my 2024 Word-of-the-Year: CHILL

This WOTY reminds me that God’s power is greater than my power. I can rest and relax in trusting God to work in me and around me. No, CHILL isn’t in the Bible. You don’t have to choose a word in the Bible. It needs to be a word that you sense God placing in your heart.

Ready to Choose a WOTY?

I love that DaySpring offers a digital tool to help you choose your WOTY. You can click this link and answer a few questions. You’ll receive a suggestion for your WOTY. You can keep that word or choose a different word. 

How to Use Your Word-of-the-Year Effectively

  1. Write your WOTY (and verse) on a postcard and tape it to your bathroom mirror. This is a low-tech, daily way to remind yourself. The more often you remind yourself, the more you’ll prioritize living into this word.
  2. Share your WOTY with friends and tell them why. Trust me, telling others about your word solidifies it in YOUR mind and makes it more likely that it will surface in your mind again.
  3. Set up a monthly reminder in your phone for the first day of the month with your WOTY and your verse of the year.
  4. Use Canva to create a beautiful cellphone screensaver. I’ve made up some templates that you can customize with your word. Just click here.

DO YOU HAVE A WORD-OF-THE-YEAR? If so, hit “reply” and tell me. Also, if you’ve chosen a verse of the year, I’d love to hear that, too.


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