This week I am doing a video newsletter update. Sometimes we’ve just got to change it up a bit.
Most of us are on our third or fourth week of staying at home and I just wanted to infuse something new, so today I want to share with you the six things that help keep a smile on my face as we are going through the COVID crisis.
The reason why I am sharing my six things with you is to hopefully inspire you to think strategically about what you have around you to keep a smile on your face!
Check out the video below!
I would love for you to join my Surrendered Online Summer Bible study BEGINNING WEDNESDAY APRIL 22 for six weeks.
WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE TEACHING – On Wednesdays at 8:00pm EST, I’ll teach a weekly lesson from the Surrendered Study on Facebook Live in a private Surrendered Study group.
THURSDAY DISCUSSION GROUP – On Thursdays, I’ll lead three discussion groups on Zoom at different times during the day. Join me and the other women for much needed conversation!
You’ll get the chance to share what you’ve learned as well as learn from others. We’ll have fun!