What’s happening in our world is unprecendented in our life time. While we’ve faced other difficulties like the September 11th attacks, various wars, swine/bird flu and others, the widespread coronavirus brings with it tremendous uncertainity. You aren’t alone if you are stressed out and scared. Here’s a Facebook Live broadcast where I teach you three tools to stay calm, sleep well and keep the right perspective during these scary times.
1. Turn off your tv and limit social media
In Matthew 6:20, Jesus says “can all of your worries add a single moment to your life. There’s nothing wrong with being informed, but if you’re filling your mind with endless news and social media, you’re mind can’t handle all of that. Gather the facts and then focus on what you can control, which is focusing on God, taking care of yourself and your family.
2. God will provide what you need for TODAY!
A few verses later, in Matthew 6:27, Jesus reminds you that God already knows all of your needs. Early in the chapter, he taught his disciples to pray, God, give us our daily bread. My friend, God will provide for what you need for today. You don’t need to stress out about what you don’t have – whether your hours get cut, your lack of massive food stockpile or even if you lose your job. God can provide what you need today EVEN IF those things don’t exist. Don’t put your faith in your bank account, job or stockpile, trust that God will provide what you need.
3. Stay C.A.L.M
During the video I teach the CALM Technique from my Winning the Worry Battle book and it’s also in my new Surrendered: Letting Go and Living Like Jesus Bible study, releasing on April 7. During these stressful and uncertain times, you can stop yourself from spinning out of control with this proven technique.
1. What are some of the things that you’re struggling with as our world deals with the coronavirus?
2. Which of Barb’s three tips is most helpful for you?
3. What do you sense that God is calling you to think or do differently as a result of what Barb shared?
Do you struggling with control-loving behaviors?

Thank you Barb for your faith &wisdom
Thank you, Mary Theresa!