God doesn’t hate divorced people! However, if you’ve gone through divorce, you may have been left with the impression that He does. On today’s Better Together podcast, Barb talks with with best-selling author Tracie Miles about her new divorce recovery resource, Living Unbroken Divorce Recovery Workbook. Six and half years ago, Tracie went through a divorce after experiencing the devastation of infidelity, addiction and finally abandonment. As a Christian woman, she knows what it’s like to experience the shame, hopelessness and fear. However, in today’s conversation, Tracie shares her story of how God healed her, how she learned how to trust Him again and as a result, Tracie learned how to love life again and experience God in new life-giving ways.  If you or someone that you know has going through a divorce and need to know that hope and healing is possible, this is the episode for you! RESOURCES FROM THIS EPISODE

Living Unbroken: A Divorce Recovery Workbook


Tracie’s Facebook Page

Instagram: @traciemiles


Tracie Miles is the Director of COMPEL Training at Proverbs 31 Ministries as well as an Author of five best-selling books including Living Unbroken, Love Life Again, Unsinkable Faith, Stress Less Living and Your Life Still Counts. She is the founder of the Living Unbroken Divorce Recovery Program. Tracie is also a contributing author to the popular Zondervan NIV Women’s Devotional Bible and a monthly contributing writer for the Proverbs 31 Ministries Encouragement for Today daily devotions which reach over 1.5 million people per day around the globe. Tracie has 3 grown children and lives in Charlotte, North Carolina. Check out this episode!

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