This is a classic framework for prayer that is like the Lord’s Prayer. You can use this framework during other times of prayer, like when you pray with friends or when you want to spend additional intentional time with God during your lunch break.

You can use this acronym to guide your conversation with God. There is an example of what you can say:

P—Praise: Acknowledge Abba Father along with God’s other names as you give thanks to Him.

Abba Father/God, I recognize You as bigger and greater than anyone or anything else in the world. There is no one like You.

R—Repent: Confess your sins and struggles and tell God that you want to live in His holiness rather than continue to do life your way.

God, You are perfect and I am not. Right now, I recognize that my wrong thoughts, faults, and sins mean that I’ve fallen short of Your perfect standard. Today, I confess ___________ before You. I ask for forgiveness and I will turn away from my sin and follow Your way.

A—Ask: Tell God what you need and share your requests for other desires.

God. there is nothing impossible for You. Today, I pray for ___________________. I am asking for You to provide/take care of ______________________. I do not need to be anxious because You know everything that I need.

Y—Yield: This is where you declare that you trust God’s will, His timing, and His sovereignty over everything that you’ve prayed, similar to Jesus’s prayer, “Not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42).

Finally, I have shared my dreams, fears, needs, or desires with You. God, I don’t know the future, but You do. I trust You with my life, the people that I love and care about as well as my future. I release my attempts to manipulate or control because You are the One in control.  Amen.

NEW Bible Study from Barb Roose on Prayer!

As a Christian, you know you’re supposed to pray. But do you ever find yourself wrestling with any of these questions related to prayer?

  • Do I have to pray the right way for God to answer my prayer?
  • Do I have to pray the right way for God to answer my prayer?
  • Am I still praying if I read pre-written prayers?

If you’ve pondered these questions or others about prayer, check out Barb Roose’s new Matthew: Pray Like Bible Study is for you. Even if you’re a prayer warrior, Matthew: Pray Like Bible Study sharpens your prayer focus and you’ll experience the life-transforming power of effective prayer.

There’s a reason why Jesus was passionate about prayer and the Matthew: Pray Like This study will show you how!

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