Most of us have men in our lives that we love and our deepest prayer is that those men love Jesus. What do you do when the Christian man in your life is struggling and you are not sure how to help?
Join me for today’s conversation with comedian Isaac Witty who has performed on some of America’s biggest stages and listen to his dramatic journey of faith from pastor’s kid to successful comedian who hit rock bottom and found his way back to God.
Isaac will share his story and address the 5 things that a Christian man must fight in order to have faith. His story will encourage you and help you pray more for the men in your life.
Connect with Isaac on Instagram
Check out Isaac’s Dry Bar Comedy Special “Don’t Worry About Me. I’m Fine.”
Over the course of a career that has spanned more than two decades, Isaac Witty has perfected a quirky style that doesn’t fit the mold of your average clean comedian.
With perfect timing and his unique cadence, he hits punchlines hard while also playing pauses for big laughs. Isaac has been a guest on The Late Show with David Letterman, Garrison Keillor’s “A Prairie Home Companion,” Sirius XM, Thou Shalt Laugh, and The Conan O’Brien Show, among other impressive credits.
You can also catch Isaac’s recently released Dry Bar special, “Don’t Worry About Me. I’m Fine.”

Join My Giveaway!
I’m giving away two copies Designed for Greatness: Devotions for Men. I’ll draw a winner on Friday, June 7 and I’ll announce the winner in my Happy Monday email on Monday, June 10.
HOW TO ENTER: Leave a comment about a man in your life who’s made a lasting and postive impact on you. How did his life bless yours? It doesn’t have to be a father or husband. You can honor a brother, uncle, grandfather or any other man.
Giveaway Note: US mailing addresses only. Two devotions will be given away to two separate winners. Not redeemable for cash. This sponsor is not hosted by the publisher of the book, nor hosted by Facebook or Instagram.
My oldest son Nathan was the best gift that I never knew I needed. His birth in my life at a young age during less than ideal timing truly altered the trajectory of my life for the better. Though it was far from perfect, knowing I had the eyes of a little boy, young man, now turned grown adult watching for my direction, I knew I couldn’t do it alone and he needed the Lord as much as I did. I am so proud of the Godly man he has become, while whole heartedly pursuing Jesus with everything life has thrown at him and every decision he makes. I’m so proud to call him my son and so excited to watch him this weekend on his wedding day continuing to build a God honoring life for his family as well.
Stephanie, my eyes pricked with tears as I read your words about your son. What a special and beautiful testimony to the young man that you’ve raised and how God has shaped his life. So good!
My Dad was my example…a farmer…strong…unwavering faith..wise…Dad didn’t talk a lot alot God or quote verses…but I feel he prayed ALOT on that tractor seat.
He lived our his faith.
He died August 2, 2022…5 days before turning 92.
One of my earthly heroes.
I’m guessing that there is a lot of time to pray on a tractor! Karen, thank you for honoring your dad and sharing how he lived out his faith.
I’ve been so blessed with positive influences of men in my life, but I think of my grandpa and my dad in particular. They are full of integrity and so hardworking, but they are also faithful followers of Christ, generous to everyone, and gracious. And they’ve never met a stranger—more so with my grandpa, but my dad also quickly corrects that by striking up a conversation! They show me what it means to see people and open my eyes to their unspoken stories.
So inspiring, Alyssa! I love that you’ve seen the example of your dad and grandpa and how they’ve used their lives to honor God and serve others. Thank you for sharing this!
Back in 2020 I was praying for a male figure, to read the Bible with, pray for/with, Bible studies l, devotionals, go through life with, with God in the middle of our friendship. (I was just praying for a male friendship)
Prayer was answered in 2021 –
The wild part is, I lost my child’s father, and he lost his children’s Mother. So we connected on that. He’s been a blessing for real in my life, & God clearly knew what he was doing. So I think this book would be great for him! He’s the first person that came to my mind when I read this.
Carolynn, thank you for sharing the story of the man that you want to honor. I love how God answered that prayer and how you’ve grown in your connection with God together.
I have a brother who has overcome much hardships in life and his faith in God has touched me deeply. I’m so happy that my brother has gotten the help he needs and now he’s helping others like him through prayers & a listening ear.
Stephanie, thank you for honoring your brother and sharing a little of his story with us today. So inspiring!
My husband and I have both come from some very hard childhoods, and he has grown so much, by the Lord’s strength and grace. The Lord is my rock and strength but my husband on the earth has been such a solid man who I can rely on and trust. My husband has helped me in so many ways. He is a man of God and I am so very thankful for him.
Stephanie, this is a beautiful and powerful tribute your husband. Praise God for a husband who is loyal and trust worthy. Thank you for sharing about him with us!
My friend Doug has been such a blessing in my life. We went to the same high school but didn’t know each other until about 4 years ago thanks to Facebook. He was raised in a Baptist church with a pastor for a father. Doug has always encouraged me to seek God and follow what He is saying. Doug always answers any questions I might have as I’ve grown in my faith. September 2023, Doug’s dad passed away. That has left Doug being the sole caregiver for his mom who has Alzheimer’s while also working full time. Doug has continued to have faith in Gods plan even on the roughest days. He continues to pray and he’s always telling me that God will watch over him and his mom. His deep faith has led me to seek that as well. I have started going to Discipleship School at my church. I have started attending more events such as Aspire where I met you. It has led me to seek God first and give up the control I thought I had. I consider myself very introverted and a quiet person. I am now wearing engaging shirts to get people to talk to me. I am also talking about religion and Jesus more with people around me. I am more open and more comfortable engaging with people at church and other events. God has provided me with several strong faith filled women nearby that are pouring into me also. Doug lives in Kansas and I’m in Ohio. Doug continues to pour into me and continues to show me how to have everlasting faith even through the toughest times. He is a strong and resilient man and I’m proud to call him a friend from God.
Thank you for sharing your friend, Doug and his impact on your life. Wow! Your desire to let God use you in such new ways is so powerful and inspiring. Love it! Doug truly is your friend from God.
Mr ware from my church.
He was the best
Hi Janet, thank you for sharing about Mr. Ware and his impact on your life!
My dad. He was my hero. He has been dead 20 years and I miss him so much. He was diagnosed with non/Hodgkins Lymphoma 5 years before his death. He never complain. He loved to sing in the church choir. We shared the love of music. My dad served in World War 1 and was overseas for 3 Christmas season. I remember growing up you would find him in the living room in the dark with the Christmas tree lights on. He was such a gentle spirit who had all the feelings. He had a great faith and said getting cards from people during his cancer bouts helped to bring peace. That has lead me to having a card ministry.
Teresa, thank you for sharing your sweet dad’s life with us. I love that his love of encouraging cards inspired you to start a ministry to encourage other with cards. That is such a sweet way for his legacy to continue through you.
My father-in-law was a great man of faith who quietly served his wife and seven children in remarkable ways. He started gathering our extended family together 43 years ago, and anywhere between 60-85 of us continue to meet for “Rowe Family Camp” for a full week every July in WV. Poppa left a powerful legacy!
Maggie – love this tribute to your father-in-law – and “Rowe Family Camp” – that sounds so awesome and filled with lots of sweet memories for a lifetime!
I have a dear friend of 40 years. I met him when I was doing Schoo Aged Child Care. His son was in my daycare. Over the years we became friends. When I had not 1 but 2 cancer scares. When I needed to have surgery. He was the one to take off of work to take me. We have done all kinds of things together. He was always the one that I could go to. When I had my mental breakdown. He was the one who sat in the hospital with me. His younger sister and her husband live in North Carolina. Coincidentally she went to school with me. Me, being an only child, never had any place to go on holidays. I was always invited to their family. He was the one that I looked forward to spending time with. I say was the one, and he was for many good and bad days. Now it’s my turn. A few years ago he was diagnosed with cancer in his throat. He had surgery to take out his voice box. He has had many issues since then. His son lives about an hour and a half. He usually comes to visit his dad on a Saturday or Sunday. A few months ago the spot where his trachea is became infected. Despite what the Vusiting Nurse and I did. He now has a feeding tube. Which he must get fed through the feeding tube. Plus the bandage at his nose needs to be changed one a week. With other medical issues that he has. It would be easy to give up. But I see a very strong man. I keep telling myself if he can endure all the major issues that he has. So can I! I go to his house at least once, if not twice per day. You will not find a person so you caring. No matter what the problem is. He tries to laugh and think positive. I’m ver proud to call him one of my best friends. He is in my prayers everyday. He is my Hero!