God intentionally created different colors and different cultures, but we still can’t figure out how to live as one.

On this episode of Better Together Facebook Live, host Barb Roose talks with author, educator and co-founder of Brownicity, Dr. Lucretia Berry, about how to restore God’s dream of us being united as one in Christ.

Brownicity is a community dedicated to transforming our world and eliminating racism.

Big Ideas From Today’s Show

1. Race is a construct. 

Dr. Berry reminds us that God made humanity but man created racial categories and hierarchies. Understanding this simple truth inspires us to realize that we can create a better way to understand and navigate our differences.

2. Policies impact our American framework. 

Lucretia’s course, “What LIES Between Us“, is an incredibly helpful tool available to provide us with a better understanding of the policies in place that have impacted our country. The goal of understanding our policies is not to simply bring up the disturbing parts of our history, but to empower people to create something better!

3. Since our country is made up of complex people, it has a complex identity. 

Differences are normal! They are part of being human. Differences are not something to fear or shy away from, but something that can be embraced and celebrated.

About Our Guest Dr. Lucretia Berry…Dr. Lucretia Carter Berry is the founder of Brownicity – Many Hues, One Humanity (brownicity.com), an agency dedicated to advocacy, education and support for racial healing and antiracism that hosts thousands of learners committed to an antiracism learning journey. She is a wife to Nathan and a mother of three little girls. A former college professor, she is learning to courageously create the world for which she is designed. Lucretia designed a ‘beginners’ course and authored the accompanying study guide called, What LIES Between Us: Fostering First Steps Toward Racial Healing. She is the
Anti-race/ism Curriculum Specialist for Community School of Davidson (NC), a contributor for (In)courage.me, a TEDx and Q Ideas speaker (Charlotte), and a Senior Consultant for Point Made Learning’s The American Dream Game.

Lucretia and her family get to be a part of the amazing community that is Mosaic Church, Charlotte. She finds joy in prayer, dark-chocolate covered almonds, and dancing!

Links from today’s episode:



What LIES Between Us Course and Study Guide: 


b.Kids Let’s Learn About:


Better Together host Barb Roose is a popular speaker and author with a passion to help women live beautifully strong and courageous in Jesus’ name. She’s the author of multiple books and Bible studies, including Surrendered: Letting Go and Living Like Jesus and Joshua: Winning the Worry Battle. Visit Barb’s online home at barbroose.com.

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