Trust in marriage is vital for a healthy relationship. But how does a couple rebuild trust once it is broken? There is hope!

Married for over 35 years, authors Jill and Mark Savage have experienced God’s incredible healing and restoration of trust after an affair almost destroyed their marriage.

Join host, Barb Roose, and special guest Jill Savage as she shares how trust can be rebuilt and your marriage restored.


3 Truths About Rebuilding Trust:

1. Rebuilding trust is possible no matter how badly it has been broken.

Jill encourages us to stay hopeful even when our circumstances seem hopeless. When two people are willing to do what it takes, it is possible to rebuild trust!

2. The trust-breaker is the trust-maker.

When trust has been broken, it can be easy for the one whose trust has been broken to try and police the other in an attempt to pull information out of them. Instead, Jill shares that the one who broke trust should be going above and beyond to provide clarity, transparency, and push accountability.

3. Apology and forgiveness don’t rebuild trust, but they do start the process. 

Forgiveness does not automatically mean that you trust the other person, but simply that you are opening the door for the other person to begin rebuilding trust.

About Our Guest Jill Savage

Jill Savage is an author and speaker who is passionate about encouraging families. She is the author or co-author of fourteen books including Professionalizing Motherhood, My Hearts At Home, Real Moms…Real Jesus, Living With Less So Your Family Has More, No More Perfect Moms, No More Perfect Marriages (with her husband Mark), and her most recent release Empty Nest Full Life.

Featured on Focus on the Family,, Family Life Today and Today’s Christian Woman magazine, Jill is the founder of Hearts at Home, an organization that encouraged moms from 1994-2017. Jill and her husband, Mark, have five children, three who are married, and eight grandchildren. They make their home in Normal, Illinois.

Links from today’s episode:

Jill’s Website

No More Perfect Marriages book

 Buy your copy here!

Better Together host Barb Roose is a popular speaker and author with a passion to help women live beautifully strong and courageous in Jesus’ name. She’s the author of multiple books and Bible studies, including Surrendered: Letting Go and Living Like Jesus and Joshua: Winning the Worry Battle. Visit Barb’s online home at

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