Honduras 2013. Somehow, I ended up in an arm wrestling contest.
Paty and I propped our elbows on the folding white table and giggled while clasping hands.
Seriously, I should have not been wrestling Paty. She was my friend. We should have been sharing a piece of cake somewhere. But there we were…arm wrestling in front of a large crowed screaming in mostly Spanish – that I couldn’t understand. But I’m gonna assume they were cheering for me – ha!
Someone blew whistle. I threw all of my energy into that one arm. So did Paty!
Our forearms quivered, but there was no significant movement in one direction or the other. This went on for about a minute, and I started to feel really tired.
Someone captured a picture of my wrestling match with Paty about a minute into our match. The wide-eyed look on my face could have been translated, “I can’t keep holding this; I sure hope it’s over soon!”
Does my armwrestling match remind you of any situation you’re in right now? Are you trying to wrestle a situation at home, at work, or in a relationship that you can’t seem to fix? When we face problems but we’re unable to protect, fix, or get something back on track, it’s easy for us to feel overwhelmed or discouraged.
Surrender Principle #4 is: “Trusting God’s promises will bless me, but pushing my plans will stress me.”
If it’s gonna get done, God’s gonna have to do it. Here’s the kicker: He can get it fixed, removed, restored, clean & sober, financially secure or straightened out – all without your meddling, fixing and forcing solutions. God doesn’t want you wearing yourself out with worry or stress. Instead, He wants to exchange your chaotic heart and mind for His peace and promises.
PRAYER: God, I need to let go. I’ve been wrestling with ____________________ for a long time and it’s too hard. I’m opening my hands and surrendering ______________________ to You. In return, I want to receive your peace. I trust that You will do what is right and best for everyone and everything involved. Calm my fears and help me to courageously live by faith and trust in You. Amen.
🙃 What isn’t working in your life but you keep pushing to make it work even though you’re about to lose your sanity over it?
-Story from Surrendered: Letting Go and Living Like Jesus Bible Study