Look around your life. I know, it could be pretty chaotic right now. But look again and let the moment freeze in front of you.
For today:
Do you have food? ✅
Do you have a roof over your head?✅
Are you breathing?✅
If you’ve got these three things, you’ve got what you need for today. Simplistic, yes. However, it’s easy to get it twisted when we overlook what we have today because we don’t see enough for tomorrow.
This is when I like to remember the lesson of God giving the Israelites manna each day. Why didn’t God just load them up with Kroger Clicklist at the beginning of each week?
Because He knew.
God knew that if the Israelites had everything that they needed, then they would go about their merry way and forget that God was their provider, not them.
God has been your provider. It’s easy to forget, with your name on the paycheck and all. And today, God IS still your provider.
If you’ve got the basics, then that’s all that you need for today. God already knows what you need for tomorrow. But it’s not tomorrow yet, so take a deep breath.
Seriously, you need to take a deep breath! Good.
Now, let’s pray. …
🙏🏾 God, You are my provider. Forgive me for forgetting that. For years, I’ve lived as if I was the one making it happen and getting it done.
I am grateful for what I have today. I give thanks for the roof over my head and the food that I have to eat. You know all of my needs for tomorrow, so I will not worry about them today. You are taking care of me today.
While I can be wise in planning for my tomorrows, I will stop worrying about them. Amen.
QUESTION: What will you do to be present and make the most of today? . . . If you’ve want to overcome your tendency to with worry about what you don’t have, I have some great tools for you in my new Surrendered Bible Study coming out April 7.
Click barbroose.com/surrenderedstudy and you can actually start the study now! You’re going to get through this. But it will take some new tools that you need to learn some new behaviors.