Barb’s Bible Journal: Romans 15:13

Barb’s Bible Journal: Romans 15:13

If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed with sadness, anger, pain, or grief and those feelings are overflowing and messing up other areas of your life, I’m glad that you’re peeking into my Bible Journal. Here’s what I’ve learned from Romans 15:13:   I pray that God, the...
Which door would you choose?

Which door would you choose?

This is one of my most favorite videos ever!  Here’s what happened with the Dove Campaign set up as an experiment at shopping areas in different cities around the world. Women had to choose which door they would walk through. This powerful video captures not...
Will Losing 25 Pounds Really Make You Happy?

Will Losing 25 Pounds Really Make You Happy?

Focus on these three things to equip you to love yourself, no matter how much you weigh. Can I ask you an important question about your bathroom scale. No, I’m not going to ask how much you weigh. Rather, a more sensitive question.  But, I just have to ask it. Ready?...
Will You Allow God to Change Your Plans?

Will You Allow God to Change Your Plans?

In their hearts, humans plan their course but the LORD establishes their steps. –Proverbs 16:9 NLT  I don’t know about you, but there are a lot of times when I think that my life should look like the top picture, but the bottom picture is a better description of how...

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