Happy New Years!

It’s a new year and I’m wearing my fairly new favorite hat. So far, so good here in 2022.

This isn’t a post about goals or resolutions. I just can’t with personal goals right now. (I’ve got business goals – that’s all good.)

But I do want to be intentional.

What’s a girl to do? I need to keep it simple if I want to be successful at being intentional.

Last year, my Word Of The Year (WOTY) was KISS or”Keep It Simple, Sweetheart” and I’m keeping it again for 2022.

(I figured that if the pandemic can stick around another year, so can  my WOTY because it’s still working for me. ALSO, I kissed absolutely no one at midnight last night because #omicron 😑. Kinda bummed about that.)

Here’s my thing:  Rather than goals, I focus on mindset habits that will position me for what I want to experience in life, which is to live beautifully strong and courageous in Christ.

It’s KISS that gets me there. So here is my KISS mindset for 2022:

  1. On my worst days, I will treat myself the best.
  2. I will faithful in the small things and trust that God will take care of all things.
  3. I will keep showing up and taking risks, even when I fail.
  4. I am not in control of others or outcomes, so Surrender is my path to God’s peace. *
  5. I will err on the side of choosing love, kindness and generosity.
  6. I will live from the truth that I am God’s beautiful, lovable, capable daughter. I am confident in Christ and worthy of God’s best.**

SHARE YOUR COMMENT BELOW: What’s your New Year’s habits, prayer, resolution, goal or intention for the upcoming year?

*from my Surrendered Bible study

**from my Breakthrough Bible study 

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