by Barb Roose | Jan 25, 2019 | Uncategorized
Focus on these three things to equip you to love yourself, no matter how much you weigh. Can I ask you an important question about your bathroom scale. No, I’m not going to ask how much you weigh. Rather, a more sensitive question. But, I just have to ask it. Ready?...
by Barb Roose | Jun 4, 2017 | Women's Topics
A challenge that just might change how you feel this summer when you’re wearing a swimsuit… by Barb Roose A few weeks ago, I went shopping to replace my swim top. I have a great swim skirt, but I’ve had bad luck with swim tops. I scoured the rack for...
by Barb Roose | Feb 13, 2017 | Christian Living/Discipleship, Women's Topics
By Barb Roose When’s the last time that you considered what it meant for your body to be the temple of the Holy Spirit? I began contemplating 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 this weekend after my third BIG bowl of luscious, buttery pecan ice cream. There wasn’t anything...
by Barb Roose | Sep 12, 2016 | Reflections, Women's Topics
Remember when we used to love hanging out with each other? Hmm, how old were we back then – two or three years old? How cute were we! Ahh, in those early years we couldn’t get enough of each other. We snuggle up close and do kissy-lips with at each other....
by Barb Roose | Apr 14, 2016 | Reflections, Women's Topics
Earlier this week I received the newest issue of Weight Watcher’s Magazine. I receive the subscription because a lady showed up at my door last summer. She had eight kids and selling magazines was her first legit job after a lifetime trapped in drugs and prostitution....