Today marks the official kick-off of my Stronger Than Stress book pre-release campaign! As of TODAY, God is launching me into a new season of serving you and, hopefully, millions of women struggling with chronic stress and overwhelm.

In this post, we’re discussing what happens when we’re too stressed to feel blessed. Since sharing God’s Word is important to me, I’ve included a powerful prayer for you and me from the Apostle Paul, who inspired my book.

Let’s start with two questions:

  1. Do you feel like you’re living in survival mode each day, barely making it through the day and desperate for anything to change?
  2. Do you long for more of God’s strength and peace in your life?

If the answer to one or both of those questions is “yes,” then you aren’t alone. You already know this, but statistics regarding stress and chronic indicate that far too many of us feel like life is more than we can handle each day. Here’s a sobering reality check:

  • A Gallup poll in December 2023 reported that 49% of Americans indicate feeling frequently stressed.
  • According to a March 2023 American Psychological Association (APA) report, 25% of Americans feel so stressed that they cannot participate in daily activities.

I don’t share these statistics to spread bad news. However, if you hang out with me here, you know that I value hopeful AND honest conversations about our hard struggles.

Friends, I wrote Stronger Than Stress because I spent decades cycling from chronic stress to getting better to burnout. I thought stress and burnout were the norm because everyone around me kept talking about how stressed they were. So, I accepted the misery of stress as normal.

My anticipation of being stressed would begin before I opened my eyes. I used to think: “If anything else happens, I’m going to have a stroke,” or “How in the world am I ever going to get it all done today?” My mind was filled with dozens of spinning plates, and I’d mentally run from one plate to the next. I was overwhelmed and exhausted. I’d frequently develop sinus infections or lose my voice, but I’d blame it on the air conditioning in my building. My heart raced from stress and anxiety all of the time. Once, I ended up in the ER with a nurse slipping nitroglycerin pill under my tongue because they were concerned that I was a stroke risk. I had no idea that I was suffering from the symptoms of chronic stress.

At the end of 2001, I had hit my breaking point and needed to change. I resigned my dream job as the executive director of a non-profit. The stress of that job was intense. I experienced frightening lapses in memory, forgetting where my kids were and not remembering important details.

While it was good that I left that job, I became depressed and I did my best to hide from everyone. But, God was gracious to me. I accepted an invitation to join a women’s leadership and discipleship group at my church called Leading Ladies. I learned about spiritual practices or training exercises during that year-long group. I was aware of practices like prayer, fasting, Bible study, and medication, but I sorely needed to learn other practices like simplicity, solitude, and service.

The a-ha moment came when I realized that self-help books wouldn’t break my stress cycle; the only remedy was learning new ways to submit to God’s Spirit to not just break my stress cycle, but to learn how to live more in the peace and power of God’s Spirit. Two decades later, I invite you to join me on a similar journey!

Can I share the Apostle Paul’s prayer from Ephesians 3:16-19 that inspired my Stronger Than Stress book? This is a powerful and beautiful prayer to kick off your week because this prayer is a reminder of what God wants FOR you! When living in survival mode, we develop a limited tunnel vision and forget that God can help us.

I’ve shared Paul’s prayer before, but friends, this always preaches!

I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.  May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. -Ephesians 3:16-20 NLT

Isn’t that a fantastic prayer? It’s just so powerful and speaks to the heart every single time!

Don’t miss these essential takeaways from Paul’s prayer: God desires for you to be empowered with His inner strength, not barely dragging through the day exhausted. God also desires for you to experience the transformative power of His love, which will keep you strong in life’s inevitable storms so that you never lose hope.

Will you let me help you learn how to experience God’s strength despite your stress?

In Stronger Than Stress: 10 Spiritual Practices to Win the Battle of Overwhelm, I share ten spiritual practices, like Sabbath, sisterhood, study, scripture, spiritual self-care, prayer and our friend, surrender. God used these practices to break my cycle of chronic stress, overwhelm, and burnout so that I’ve experienced God’s strength and peace, even in on-going difficult situations.

If you feel overwhelmed by family responsibilities, work, and anxiety about the future, this book is for you. P.S. I’ve also written a separate Stronger Than Stress six-week Bible study!

Life won’t become easier. If you don’t change, nothing will change. You’ll feel the same exhaustion and frustration physically, mentally, and emotionally six months from now or worse.

The good news is that you can choose a new path today – one that will help you live with less stress and more of God’s peace.  

Your Next Step:  Thank you for allowing me to share my story and my Stronger Than Stress book! You can pre-order it now – and make sure to check out those pre-order bonuses!

My publisher knows how important it is for you to begin this journey to less stress and more peace as soon as possible. They’ve given me permission to share the first chapter with everyone who pre-orders the Stronger Than Stress book – PLUS other great bonuses like a FREE coupon code for my entire Stronger Than Stress audiobook! Check out the graphic below.

I’D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! What has been stressing you out these days? How does the Apostle Paul’s prayer encourage you today, especially if you feel like you’re stuck in stress? Hit reply and tell me.

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