People of color often feel invisible and alienated, even traumatized, by the oppression and discrimination still prevalent in our American culture today.

The result leads to not only internalized trauma but also a particular type of aloneness, which author Prasanta Verma defines as ethnic and racial loneliness. Join me and my guest, Prasanta Verma, as we discusses her new book, Beyond Ethnic Loneliness, and listen to learn about the exhausting effects of cultural isolation, the dynamics of marginalization, and the weight of being “other.”

Prasanta points toward the path of healing which includes the need to share our stories and the importance of finding safe friendships and community


Connect with Prasanta on Instagram

Check out Prasanta’s book, Ethnic Loneliness.

Visit Prasanta’s Website


Prasanta Verma (MBA, MPH) was born under an Asian sun, raised in the Appalachian foothills in the South, and now resides in the Upper Midwest. Her essays and poetry have been published in numerous places online and in print.
She has worked as an author, editor, speech and debate coach and public health professional, and wants to help us envision a world where we are all more socially connected and a little less lonely.  

Join My Giveaway!

I’m giving away three copies of Prasanta’s new book, Beyond Ethnic Loneliness. I’ll draw a winner on Wednesday, May 29 at 12pm ET.

HOW TO ENTER: Leave a comment below about a time in life when you felt lonely or unseen. What was difficult about that time in your life and how did you find connection again?

Giveaway Note: US mailing addresses only. This giveaway is not sponsored, administrated or endorsed by Instagram. This giveaway is not affiliated with any of the brands shown in the picture.

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