Did you see the movie “War Room” with Priscilla Shirer?
It came out last year, and I highly recommend it! After watching the movie, I immediately felt compelled to create my own “war room” at home.

Bible study teacher, speaker and author Priscilla Shirer starring in “War Room.” If you haven’t seen the movie, rent it or stream it online today!
In the movie, Priscilla’s “war room” was a spacious walk-in with a lovely light and carpeting. That’s not my set-up, friends. My “war room” is 112-years old little cubbie with a fickle lightbulb. Since I share the space with my office supplies, I have to fold myself down onto a tiny little cube. I’m a tall girl. It’s a tight fit.
Written prayers and scripture verses decorate the cracking plaster walls. Keep scrolling down and you’ll see some of the cards on my wall. I like to write dates on those cards, so it feels like a spiritual journal when I walk in. I often read the walls and give thanks for how God uses words written weeks or months before to uplift and encourage me. There’s even a blanket in the space for the times when the tears are flowing fast. I use that blanket and pretend that God is wrapping His arms around me.
While lacking ambiance and Joanna Gaines’ touch, my prayer closet is a sacred space is where God shapes me and molds me in spite of myself.
In this space, I pray and I listen for God’s leading in my heart. I pour my praise and cry out my pain before the God who hears and cares for me. (My poor dog sits outside of the door and I’m sure that she must think that I’m crazy!)
Why am I telling you about my prayer closet? Because I think that you should consider making one for yourself. You need a space to shut out the world in order to give yourself completely and God’s attention.
Sweet sisters, we’re all fighting a hard battle. I don’t have to list out what we’re fighting because our personal battles are hand-to-hand combat day after day. Our hearts, minds and bodies are marred with the battle scars of our sinful world.
When we go into our war rooms, we’re reminded of the most powerful truth: The battle is the Lords!
In that war room meeting space, God reminds us that there’s nothing that we’ll fight that He hasn’t already won for us!
How does the power of prayer impact your life? If you’ve got a War Room and want to share a War Room prayer story with us, share it in the comments below! Thanks for stopping by!
I have watched the movie “War Room ” about 13 times. I saw it 3 times in the theater! I can’t get enough of it. I read the book twice and I read “Fervent” by Priscilla Shirer. We moved into a new home in March and I have a war room. It’s covered in prayers and scripture verses. In there I have no distractions! My bible, a notebook and a candle along with a soft pillow is all I need. When I’m in there I feel at peace, I feel the presence of God and I lose sight of myself and cry and scream and I often, just be still.
Hi Debra, thank you for telling us about your war room and how it draws you to God. Love it!