What is Freedom?

What is Freedom?

  I started today with the question: “What is Freedom?” It’s the question that’s giving us fits right now. I put a pin in my thoughts and went to the beautiful Toledo’s Farmers Market. A freelance journalist stopped me while I was buying some red onions. She was...
The Control Girl Club

The Control Girl Club

Do you ever think, “If everyone would just do what I am telling them to do, then we will all be much happier? On this episode of Better Together FB Live, I’m talking with Shannon Popkin, author of Control Girl: Lessons on Surrendering your Burden of...
Token or Trailblazer?

Token or Trailblazer?

I’ve spent my entire professional life and at times, large portions of my personal life as the lone chocolate chip in the cookie or the only brown face in an all-white space. I grew up in a middle-class to upper-middle class community that was beyond 90% Caucasian. In...
Hope, Help & Hoarders with Cynthia Ruchti

Hope, Help & Hoarders with Cynthia Ruchti

On this episode of Better Together Facebook Live, I’m talking  with award-winning author, Cynthia Ruchti about hope, hoarding and her new novel, Afraid of the Light. Cynthia and I discuss the prevalence of hoarding, the impact of the anxiety disorder of those...

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