Do You Hate Asking for Help?

Do You Hate Asking for Help?

My middle daughter, Sami, called me today because she was feeling embarrassed. She’s been laid off from her job and her wonderful boss is trying to help her find a temporary position. However, Sami doesn’t drive and she walked to work. Any temporary job would be...
3 Tools to Stay Calm In Scary Times

3 Tools to Stay Calm In Scary Times

What’s happening in our world is unprecendented in our life time. While we’ve faced other difficulties like the September 11th attacks, various wars, swine/bird flu and others, the widespread coronavirus brings with it tremendous uncertainity. You...
Letting Go When God Says No

Letting Go When God Says No

  On the warm summer day that young Cherise married her husband, she never thought that her marriage would end. Life wasn’t perfect, but they laughed together every day and loved each other through mistakes. As Cherise looks back, she couldn’t put her...

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