“KISS”-ing 2022: Six Mental Mindsets for an Peaceful Life
Happy New Years! It’s a new year and I’m wearing my fairly new favorite hat. So far, so good here in 2022. This isn’t a post about goals or resolutions. I just can’t with personal goals right now. (I’ve got business goals – that’s all good.) But I do want to be...
My Word of the Year!
In last week’s newsletter and Focus 2020 video (that you can watch by clicking here) was all about helping you focus on what’s most important in your life. I want you to have an amazing 2020! I know that you have hopes and dreams, but you also have to deal with life!...
When Helping Your Adult Kids is Actually Hurting Them
How can we love our kids without robbing them of the important life lessons they need to learn? I heard the long sigh in her voice. Leah called me on a quiet Sunday afternoon because I saw her message on Facebook. It was something like “I’m so stressed I can’t stand...
When God Allows More Than You Can Handle
For years, my former pastor and boss encouraged our staff team to participate in an overseas missions trip. Not only would we receive our regular pay while we were gone, but we’d also receive an additional day off to rest when we returned. Sweet deal, right?! But,...