Internship Overview Recap & Next Steps
Thank you for completing the application for my internship program.
This page is recap of the internship program as well as outlining what’s will happen next.
First, here is an overview of the internship program:
- Internship lasts from January 11, 2024-December 10, 2024
- Internship kick-off online gathering on Thursday, January 11 at 8pm ET!
- Interns commit to ten hours per month of serving.
- For every ten hours of serving, each intern will receive one hour per month personalized, one-on-one coaching from Barb.
- Interns will participate in one monthly training and one all-in team call on the first and third Thursday of each month at 8pm-9:15pm ET via Zoom or in a private Facebook group.
- While the internship is an unpaid leadership training, participants will receive priceless leadership and ministry training as well as the enjoyment of rich relationships and community.
1. Internship Interview Notification – Around the deadline, you’ll receive an email from Barb about the next steps in the process.
2. Interview – If you are selected for an interview, you will receive a few dates and times to select your interview time slot and a link will be provided.
3. Decision – The internship team will be notified by the week of November 15. Prospective interns will receive a copy of the intern agreement and will have until December 15 to sign and return the agreement.
4. Kick-Off Gathering! We’ll meet online on Thursday January 11 from 8pm-9:15pm ET. Of course, interns will also receive some fun intern-related items in the mail to add to the celebration!
5. Let the Fun Begin! Get ready for a year of learning, stretching, dreaming and more! Barb also launches three new books in 2024, so interns will be a part of that excitment and other opportunities as well!
If you have any questions, email barb@barbroose.com.