I created this post so that I could have a place to come back to to read and listen to Dr. King’s message for myself – and I pray that his words create a meaningful moment for you and your family today.
In our world of short-attention span and sound bits, I’d venture to guess that most people have never read or heard his entire speech. I wonder how many schools cover this as one of most historic speeches in U.S. history? Generally, people recognize the later, more lively part of Dr. King’s speech, particularly, “FREE AT LAST, FREE AT LAST, THANK GOD ALMIGHTY, WE’RE FREE AT LAST!”
Those words thrill our hearts and give us hope. What we forget is that Dr. King’s empassioned end was a dream, not a reality. Those final words hinge on the previous, profound – and I don’t use the following word lightly – prophectic observations that Dr. King made about our country.
A menagerie of messy emotions ping-ponged around as I read the transcript of his entire speech. My heart hurt, my eyes watered and my soul ached. Other than the use of the word “negro,” Dr. King’s speech would ring true today.
As a black woman living in America, I share Dr. King’s dream. I haven’t lost hope, but my heart is hurting. Tonight, Dr. King’s speech reminded me that blood, sweat and tears are required when we’re fighting for something worthwhile.
If you’d like to read King’s entire speech, I recreated it in these slides. A few things before you start:
1. Dr. King addresses both black people AND white people in this talk. Don’t undermine what you can learn by focusing on what the other side should be doing.
2. The slides are in order, begin with the slide that has “barbroose.com/graceproject” on the bottom right corner. That’s Slide #1. Advance the slides by clicking the arrow to right.
3. Would you rather watch? I’ve inserted a video below that you can listen to. Perhaps, you can watch with your family and discuss it.
4. Share this post. Allow Dr. King’s words to be a voice for hope for black people, other people of color and everyone fighting for justice with them. If that’s you, thank you.
SHARE YOUR COMMENT: What part of Dr. King’s speech inspires you the most?

Looking for Anti-Racism Resources to Help You Speak Up and Stand Out?
I curated the (G)race Project, a collection of blog posts, videos and interviews that I’ve done on the topics of race, grace and the gospel. If you long to see justic and unity in our churches and our world, let the journey begin with you!
Thank you, my friend, for sharing all of Dr. King’s words. This is the first time I have read his historic speech in entirety. His word “now … now … now …” reverberates in my heart and mind, as in “Now is the time …”
It’s so powerful, isn’t it?! Beth, thank you for stopping by and again, for your tireless courage in standing up and speaking out for justice, love and grace.
Thank you Barb for sharing MLK Jr.’s speech with us. This is the first time for me as well, to read it in it’s entirety. Comparing it to today’s protests, rioting, burning buildings, destroying businesses and people’s life long dreams, murdering, tearing down statues and looting, the part that rings out for me is this:
“We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again, we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force.”
We are better than what is happening. We need a MLK Jr. today. I pray daily for God to guide us to be better, and to heed the words of this great man. We can not and must not cancel culture, erase history, and silence the voices of those who came before us. In doing so….MLK Jr.’s words are no longer meaningful. Let us join together, sisters in Christ, and be an example of “one nation under God.”