Stuff I didn’t have time to say…

Stuff I didn’t have time to say…

Here’s a portion of an email that I received from a woman about my “Trust Fall” message this past weekend: “For me, I have a hard time trusting God with uncertainty. I like to know when, where, and how all things are going to happen. Over the...
Dealing with Life Interruptus…

Dealing with Life Interruptus…

It took me two hours to get home on Wednesday afternoon. Two. Hours. For my friends in big cities, I know that two hours doesn’t mean much to you. However, for the rest of us in mom-and-pop cities, we’re not built for that kind of windshield time. You big...
Smallbrownbarbie meets Santa

Smallbrownbarbie meets Santa

‘Twas the night before Christmas and I was nine years old, settled deep in my blankets, shielded from the cold… All I wanted that year for Christmas was a round, yellow, handheld Pacman game. Handheld games were new and I salivated at the notion I hold my...
Giving Thanks When Life’s Tough by Rick Warren

Giving Thanks When Life’s Tough by Rick Warren

GIVING THANKS WHEN I DON’T FEEL LIKE IT By Rick Warren Thanksgiving is a difficult holiday for many. How can you be thankful when your doctor says it’s cancer? How can you feel grateful when the one you love just walked out of your life? Or when you’ve been fired . ....

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