The Night Someone Called Me a N*gger…

The Night Someone Called Me a N*gger…

One night, I walked into a neighborhood pub. As soon as the door closed behind me, an unknown voice yelled: “What’s that nigger doing in here?” Was someone talking about me? I stopped. The room silenced. An electric pause buzzed the air. My mind...
Dealing with Dark & Stormy Days

Dealing with Dark & Stormy Days

Have you ever been caught in a raging summer storm? So scary! In Mark 6, Jesus’ disciples were caught in a storm that terrified them, too. Jesus showed up and spoke three phrases for us to remember when storms of life blow our way. In Mark 6, Jesus and the...
Saying Good-bye to Things that Matter…

Saying Good-bye to Things that Matter…

Maybe no one has ever told you this before, but it’s good to grieve the dreams that never will be. Almost 10 years ago, my Christian counselor taught me the importance of having ‘funerals’ for the dreams or expectations that were never going to be. I get real messed...

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